Wednesday, August 02, 2006


i have just returned from the apple store where i purchased a wireless mouse. my friend, stacie, accompanied me...she did not like the feel and/or design there at all...too 21st century....
i don't know why but it feels like the 21st century has kicked into warp speed over the last year, or maybe i am just noticing it more. there are the symptoms of a 'sci-fi' detachment that i have a difficult time accepting. i have a problem with most magazine covers these days. every cover graces a beautiful woman. but they all look like they have had botox! and, of course, most of them are under the age of thirty. i still can't wrap my head around HAVING to look younger, especially if one is under thirty! the cosmetic surgery industry baffles me. i won't have anyone cutting my face. my friend agrees. gives us the willies.
stacie says that by the time she hits her fifties, (quite a ways to go), people will either appreciate her as a great beauty or see her as some sort of freak. and she's probably right in either scenario.
i am reminded of some of my favourite movies that i have relished over time. only now these flashes of celluloid disturb me...they have come true. whether it is 'blade runner', 'brazil' or the plethora of fantastic rod serling 'twilight zones', each had hints, warning us what NOT to do. and it seems that, instead of heeding the warning(s), we have decided to make some of those sterile, yet subtle, aberrations our societal truths.
much is said about 'the power of suggestion' belief systems. well what are we suggesting globally? what are we wishing for? it would seem that a lot of disturbing images and sounds are being picked up under the radar - in our good old psyches. what are we sub-filtering? what are we retaining? what is just passing through? what are we wishing against?
it is very, very unnerving to watch the film, 'an inconvenient truth' and come out of the theatre into a sweltering heat wave with record breaking temperatures. my mind flashes on david bowie's dying planet in 'the man who fell to earth'. where and what are our purposeful directions? how relative are the changes that each of us make in a day? just the spark of an idea can go from one individual's brain to a rolled out carpet ride for someone else.
i type here and send my missive through the great cyberseance. HA! this is some ouija board!
who views? whose view...this magical means of communiqués gives me hope. if cold and dispassionate waves are being spread about like so many polluted air particles, so are the happy surprises i receive through my daily internet cruise. i relish the freedom one has online. i refuse to give up hope that humans wish to survive and evolve; it is inherent.
all i know is i have a hard time watching 'sci-fi' anymore. it seems just a little too real, and not in a positive way. i feel too uncomfortable in a space that feels too unearthly, like stacie, at the apple store.

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